Free thoughts always lead the future
Chengmeng Zhang is currently as an Academic Visitor at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing (University of Oxford), from October 2023 to June 2024, and also a visiting research associate staff at the Universtiy Colleage London(UCL), from the May 2024 to June 2024.
He is a doctoral candidate of Demography at PKU, where he is the recipient of the Weiming-Fellow Ph.D Scholarship in the field of Carbon and Climate. Chengmeng is also actively involved in several academic capacities, as a youth editorial member of the Journal of Intelligent Society (in Chinese), article editor (AE) of SAGE Open, and holds membership in renowned academic organizations such as IEEE. He is also an invited member of several thematic Discussion Groups on the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Knowledge Portal. He is also a member of the IEEE 7802 standards working group, he holds multiple patents as a co-author.
” I am very funtunate to be supervised by Prof. Gong Chen (PKU), Prof. Jilei Wu (PKU), Prof Sarah Harper (Oxford). These professors are among the best scholars in the world. Their advice is not only useful for my academic work, but also makes me morally noble. —— Zhang, C.”
Chengmeng’s primary research focus encompasses the domains of climate demography, including the study of carbon behavior and the implications of climate change. His interests also extend to population-resource-environment dynamics, voluntary public welfare initiatives, and the realm of intelligent social governance. He has demonstrated his expertise by publishing research in various Chinese and international peer-review academic journals, including contributions to Lancet Global Health(IF=34.3, 2022), Frontiers in Environmental Science(IF=4.6, 2022), IJERPH(IF=4.6, 2021), Journal of Aging and Physical Activity(IF=1.5, 2022), IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society(IEEE Trans., Engineer Village Indexed), and Disability Research (in Chinese) and Ecological Economy (in Chinese), and has been presented at conferences like IJCAI 2022 and ISID2022. This year, His book reviews have also been conditionally accepted by the well-known journal-China Information.
Chengmeng has shared his insights through a series of perspective articles published in prominent Chinese media outlets, including China Population Daily and China Workers Daily. One of his articles was republished in its entirety by Guangming Daily Website(光明网), a highly influential platform for ideological and theoretical discussions in China. Chengmeng’s contributions extend beyond the written word, as he has been actively engaged with China Youth Daily, where he serves as a youth research representative focusing on carbon and climate issues. He also appears as a commentator on China Youth Learning, offering valuable comments and opinions.
Chengmeng’s academic achievements and dedication to his studies have earned him numerous accolades, including the China National Scholarship , which he has received three times—during his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral studies. He holds the honorary title of Beijing’s Merit Students and has been recognized as a Merit Student at Peking University. Additionally, Chengmeng has obtained peer review class certification from Nature Press and has completed the Sustainable Development online course from Stanford.
Beyond his academic pursuits, Chengmeng is actively involved in community development and capacity building. He has been invited to provide training sessions for local governance officers and community volunteers in both Shichahai Street in Beijing and other districts(communities), NGOs. His commitment to both academic research and community engagement reflects his multifaceted approach to creating a positive impact on society.
His interests mainly focus on the fields of climate sociology (climate demography), aging research in smart societies, and philanthropy. These fields may seem diverse, but in fact the overlapping content is very concentrated.
- June 2023: Peking University Youth Innovation Challenge Grand Prize(Best Level), awarded by Peking University
- April 2023: Meritorious Student of Beijing, awarded by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Youth League Committee, etc.
- December 2022: National Scholarship, awarded by the Ministry of Education of China
- December 2022: Meritorious Student of Peking University, awarded by Peking University
- November 2022: PKU-BHP Billiton “Weiming Fellow Scholarship on Carbon and Climate” at Peking University, awarded by Peking University
- December 2019: National Scholarship, awarded by the Ministry of Education of China
- December 2016: National Scholarship, awarded by the Ministry of Education of China
- March 2015: Chinese Student Self-Improvement Star (Nomination Award), awarded by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the China National Students Union
Professional Qualification and Academic Service
- Invited Discussion Group Member of State of the World’s Volunteerism Report, Knowledge Portal of United Nations Volunteer (UNV)
- Article Editor of Sage Open (JCR-Q1)
- Youth Editorial Member Board of the Journal of Intelligent Society (in Chinese)
- Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society
- Reviewer of Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility,
- Sustainable Movers (grassroots movement of youth volunteers) of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
张承蒙,北京大学人口学博士生(于2023年10月-2024年6月赴牛津大学国家公派联合培养),伦敦大学学院UCL纵向研究中心客座研究员(Visiting Research Associate Staff,2024年5月-6月),北京大学首批碳与气候“未名学者”博士生奖学金得主,主要研究方向为气候人口学、人口-资源-环境、志愿公益、智能社会治理等,在the Lancet Global Health、Environment Politics、Aging and Disease、Sustainability:Science, Practice and Policy、China Information、Frontiers in Environmental Science、IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society、《人口与发展》《残疾人研究》《生态经济》、IJCAI 2022、ISID2022等期刊和会议发表/汇报原创论文和观点文章10余篇,作为章节作者参编著作3部(均由社会科学文献出版社出版),在《中国人口报》《中国工人网》发表理论文章/观点性文章多篇,其中有1篇关于双碳研究的观点性文章被《光明网》(理论版)全文转载。
受邀担任《智能社会研究》青年编委,《Sage Open》(JCR-Q1)文章编辑(Article Editor),联合国志愿人员组织(United Nations Volunteer,UNV)志愿服务知识门户专题讨论组成员,入选UNDP联合国开发计划署“中国Movers可持续发展培训师人才推广计划”,PKU-UCL国际战略合作基金“气候变化与可持续发展”人口老龄化专项项目协调员,BEER、IEEE.TTS等国际英文学术期刊审稿人。参与养老服务相关的国家社科基金重大项目、国家社科基金重点项目及其它省部级项目多项。申请专利5项(其中已授权发明专利1项、实用新型专利2项),软件著作权3项。参与撰写的2项政策建议被采纳,多个志愿服务的观点被UNV予以认可和采纳,1项建议获得北京市民政局专题肯定性答复。
获国家奖学金4次(本、硕各1次,博士期间2次)、北京市三好学生、北京大学三好学生标兵等荣誉称号,获得北京大学挑战杯“特等奖”。曾作为高校教学科研院系代表受邀参加UNV联合国志愿人员组织区域专题磋商会议。于2022年4月就“社科研究方法学习经验”接受国际知名学术出版社SAGE Publications专访。曾多次受《中国青年报·中国青年网》邀请,作为碳与气候研究的青年代表发表研究感悟,并作为“青年大学习·大思政课”嘉宾与谈人发表评论和观点。
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